端到端(E2E)语音到文本翻译(ST)通常取决于通过语音识别或文本翻译任务使用源成绩单预处理其编码器和/或解码器,否则翻译性能会大大下降。但是,笔录并不总是可用的,在文献中很少研究这种预处理的E2E ST。在本文中,我们重新审视了这个问题,并探讨了仅在语音翻译对培训的E2E ST质量的程度。我们重新审查了几种证明对ST的有益的技术,并提供了一系列最佳实践,这些实践使基于变压器的E2E ST系统偏向于从头开始训练。此外,我们提出了参数化的距离惩罚,以促进语音自我注意模型中的位置建模。在涵盖23种语言的四个基准测试中,我们的实验表明,在不使用任何成绩单或预处理的情况下,提议的系统达到甚至优于先前采用预处理的研究,尽管差距仍然存在(极为)低资源的设置。最后,我们讨论了神经声学特征建模,其中神经模型旨在直接从原始语音信号中提取声学特征,以简化电感偏见并为模型描述语音增添自由度。我们第一次证明了它的可行性,并在ST任务上表现出令人鼓舞的结果。
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Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has obtained state-of-the art performance for several language pairs, while only using parallel data for training. Targetside monolingual data plays an important role in boosting fluency for phrasebased statistical machine translation, and we investigate the use of monolingual data for NMT. In contrast to previous work, which combines NMT models with separately trained language models, we note that encoder-decoder NMT architectures already have the capacity to learn the same information as a language model, and we explore strategies to train with monolingual data without changing the neural network architecture. By pairing monolingual training data with an automatic backtranslation, we can treat it as additional parallel training data, and we obtain substantial improvements on the WMT 15 task English↔German (+2.8-3.7 BLEU), and for the low-resourced IWSLT 14 task Turkish→English (+2.1-3.4 BLEU), obtaining new state-of-the-art results. We also show that fine-tuning on in-domain monolingual and parallel data gives substantial improvements for the IWSLT 15 task English→German.
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Neural machine translation (NMT) models typically operate with a fixed vocabulary, but translation is an open-vocabulary problem. Previous work addresses the translation of out-of-vocabulary words by backing off to a dictionary. In this paper, we introduce a simpler and more effective approach, making the NMT model capable of open-vocabulary translation by encoding rare and unknown words as sequences of subword units. This is based on the intuition that various word classes are translatable via smaller units than words, for instance names (via character copying or transliteration), compounds (via compositional translation), and cognates and loanwords (via phonological and morphological transformations). We discuss the suitability of different word segmentation techniques, including simple character ngram models and a segmentation based on the byte pair encoding compression algorithm, and empirically show that subword models improve over a back-off dictionary baseline for the WMT 15 translation tasks English→German and English→Russian by up to 1.1 and 1.3 BLEU, respectively.
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We present a way to create small yet difficult model counting instances. Our generator is highly parameterizable: the number of variables of the instances it produces, as well as their number of clauses and the number of literals in each clause, can all be set to any value. Our instances have been tested on state of the art model counters, against other difficult model counting instances, in the Model Counting Competition. The smallest unsolved instances of the competition, both in terms of number of variables and number of clauses, were ours. We also observe a peak of difficulty when fixing the number of variables and varying the number of clauses, in both random instances and instances built by our generator. Using these results, we predict the parameter values for which the hardest to count instances will occur.
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我们提出了连续表示的时间扩展变化,我们称其为t-SR。 T-SR通过在原始动作重复序列上构造后继表示,捕获了时间扩展动作的预期状态过渡动力学。这种时间抽象的这种形式不能学习相关任务结构的自上而下的层次结构,而是对耦合动作和动作重复的自下而上的组成。这减少了在没有学习层次政策的情况下控制中所需的决策数量。因此,T-SR直接考虑了时间扩展的动作序列的时间范围,而无需预定义或域特异性选项。我们表明,在具有动态奖励结构的环境中,T-SR能够利用后继表示的灵活性和时间扩展的动作提供的抽象。因此,在一系列稀疏的网格世界环境中,T-SR最佳地适应策略远比基于可比的无模型的强化学习方法快得多。我们还表明,T-SR学到的解决这些任务的方式要求学习的策略的始终如一的频率比非临时扩展的策略少。
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文档级信息提取(IE)任务最近开始使用端到端的神经网络技术对其句子级别的IE同行进行认真重新审视。但是,对方法的评估在许多维度上受到限制。特别是,Precision/Recell/F1分数通常报道,几乎没有关于模型造成的错误范围的见解。我们基于Kummerfeld和Klein(2013)的工作,为基于转换的框架提出了用于文档级事件和(N- ARY)关系提取的自动化错误分析的框架。我们采用我们的框架来比较来自三个域的数据集上的两种最先进的文档级模板填充方法;然后,为了衡量IE自30年前成立以来的进展,与MUC-4(1992)评估的四个系统相比。
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当国家行动对具有等效的奖励和过渡动态时,动物能够从有限的经验中迅速推断出来。另一方面,现代的强化学习系统必须通过反复试验进行艰苦的学习,以使国家行动对相当于价值 - 需要从其环境中进行过多的大量样本。已经提出了MDP同态,将观察到的环境的MDP降低到抽象的MDP,这可以实现更有效的样本策略学习。因此,当可以先验地构建合适的MDP同构时,已经实现了样本效率的令人印象深刻的提高 - 通常是通过利用执业者对环境对称性的知识来实现​​的。我们提出了一种在离散作用空间中构建同态的新方法,该方法使用部分环境动力学模型来推断哪种状态作用对导致同一状态 - 将状态行动空间的大小减少了一个等于动作空间的基数。我们称此方法等效效果抽象。在GridWorld环境中,我们从经验上证明了等效效果抽象可以提高基于模型的方法的无模型设置和计划效率的样品效率。此外,我们在Cartpole上表明,我们的方法的表现优于学习同构的现有方法,同时使用33倍的培训数据。
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在远程多机器人自主探索任务(例如搜索和响应)中,语义对象映射在不确定的,感知下降的环境中是重要且具有挑战性的。在此类任务期间,需要高度召回,避免缺少真正的目标对象,而高精度对于避免在假阳性上浪费宝贵的操作时间也至关重要。鉴于视觉感知算法的最新进展,前者在很大程度上可以自主解决,但是如果没有人类操作员的监督,后者很难解决。但是,诸如任务时间,计算要求,网络网络带宽等诸如操作限制可能使操作员的任务变得不可行,除非得到适当管理。我们提出了早期的召回,较晚的精度(Earlap)语义对象映射管道,以解决此问题。 Earlap在DARPA Subterranean Challenge中被Team Costar使用,在那里成功发现了机器人团队遇到的所有工件。我们将在各种数据集上讨论Earlap的这些结果和性能。
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